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Information Technology

Library Databases

The library's subscription databases provide access to millions of academic journal articles. Our recommended databases for researching Information Technology topics are listed below. You can also access our full Database A-Z.

Computer Science Collection

Full-text articles from 1981 to the present on topics ranging from computer security to web commerce.

Library Literature & Information Science Full Text

Full-text articles from over 170 journals going back to 1980. Subjects include automation, censorship, copyright legislation, preservation of materials, and more.

Academic Search Complete

scholarly peer-reviewed full-text journals for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) research, as well as for the social sciences and humanities. Nearly 6,550 active full-text periodicals including 5,890 active full-text peer-reviewed journals.


ProQuest includes 16 individual databases with articles on all major subjects.

Open Access Repositories


Hosted by Pennsylvania State University, this digital library and search engine has a wealth of scientific literature focused primarily on computer and information science.

Computing Research Repository (CoRR)

Part of the arXiv e-print service, funded by Cornell University Library. CoRR allows researchers to search, browse and download papers through its online repository.

SciTech Connect

U.S Department of Energy platform with over 3 million research documents related to science, technology, and engineering.