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Urban Studies

Streaming Video Collections

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Recommended Documentaries

A Brief History of U.S. City Planning

500+ years of history in 15 minutes.

How to manage a megacity

By 2050, 6 billion people could be living in cities. How should the challenges caused by rapid urbanization be handled in the world ahead?

The Pros And Cons Of Gentrification

As inner city communities become subject to more and more gentrification, this hot button topic is coming to the forefront. In the video, we explore the positive and negative effects of gentrification.

Citizen Jane : Battle for the City

Chronicle of activist Jane Jacobs' battle with developers who threatened to demolish NYC's most historic neighborhoods and a lesson in the power of the average person to push back.

Going to Green. Episode 15, Urban Planning

Discusses the concept of urban planning, which focuses on the division of the physical spaces where people live.

Global footprints. Urbanization & the Natural World

For the first time in history, more than half the population lives in cities. Because of urbanization, every year we destroy untold amounts of plants and fertile soil. With this in mind, how can we make cities more sustainable? This program takes a special look at green roof gardening, the expansion of solar panels, and thinking inside the box with food container gardening. Big cities leave big trouble for the natural world. The good news is we have the ability to change. There are currently innovative technologies in place that will help combat climate change in big cities.

The Green Economy. Wildlife Management

Find out how people who really care about wildlife are raising awareness about why our urban growth is literally making dangerous encounters with wild animals is becoming an everyday occurrence. We visit an exotic animal rescue to see lions, tigers and other wild animals are being cared for the best way possible. We also talk to experts about one of the most allusive animals, the wolf, is now making a comeback.

All for the Taking: 21st-Century Urban Renewal

"All for the Taking" examines the personal struggles of residents impacted by Philadelphia's urban renewal program and illustrates how housing activists are fighting eminent domain abuse. 

A City Rising from the Sea

A city born from the sea. This is a documentary of the works of nature and man in the reclamation of land from the Atlantic Ocean to create ultra-modern green city in Lagos, Nigeria.

Then This Happened. How Amsterdam Put the Breaks on Cars to Give Bikes a Chance

The Dutch capital Amsterdam is widely known for being bike-friendly. But it wasn’t always a model cycling city. Public outrage at rising traffic casualties in the 1970s caused city planners to rethink their approach to urban design.

City of the Future: Singapore

With visionary thinkers and innovators as the guides, City of the Future: Singapore dives deep into the latest innovations and technology being created and implemented to blaze a path into the future.