Google Scholar allows you to search across a wide range of academic literature including journal articles, books, conference proceedings, and theses.
You can customize Google Scholar to provide full-text links to content available through the SFC Library's subscriptions. If you are off-campus, you will need to manually set up library links following these steps:
Step 1: Click the menu button on the Google Scholar search page
Step 2: Click settings (the gear icon)
Step 3: Select 'Library Links' and search for St Francis College
Step 4: Check the boxes for St Francis College Library in the search results. Also select 'Open WorldCat - Library Search to include articles freely available online in your results. Then click 'Save'.
When full text of an article is available through an SFC Library subscription, you will see the 'Full Text @ SFC Library' link to the right of the article.
The search functionality of Google Scholar is not as flexible and responsive as traditional library databases. The 'Advanced Search' feature is one way that you can maximize the effectiveness of your searches Google Scholar. Here's how to access it:
Step 1: Click the menu button on the Google Scholar search page
Step 2: Click 'Advanced Search'.
Step 3: Complete the advanced search fields and click the 'Search' icon.
To access the citation tool in Google Scholar, click on the quotation mark below the article description.
Citation Searching with Google Scholar can be a powerful way to find relevant resources, assemble a bibliography and track the development of ideas over time. To access a list of results that have cited this article click the "Cited by" link below the article description.
Note: The list of results that have cited this article are limited to those which Google Scholar can access - ie. not all of the research to have cited this article will be listed here.
The 'My Library' feature in Google Scholar allows you to save articles directly from the search results page and organize them by topic.
To save an article, click on the star icon below the article description.
You can attach labels to your saved articles to organize them by topic or course. To attach a label:
Check the boxes next to the article you wish to label.
Click on the label icon at the top of the screen. Select an existing label or create a new one.
You will see the label appear next to the article title. You can add multiple labels to each article.