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A guide to using technology at SFC


Modules control the entire flow of the course, along with its content.

Note: Your instructor may choose to hide the Modules link in Course Navigation. If the Modules link is not available, you can still access Module items through other areas of Canvas, such as the Syllabus or Course Home Page. Alternatively, your instructor may choose to hide all Course Navigation links except for Modules. If other Course Navigation links are not available, your instructor wants you to navigate the course using Modules.

Open Modules

Open Modules

In Course Navigation, click the Modules link.

View Modules

View Modules

In Modules, you can view all the modules in your course. Modules are organized by order of progression.

Modules house the content items within each module.

To expand or collapse all modules, click the Expand All/Collapse All button.

To expand or collapse individual modules, click the module Expand or Collapse arrows.

If you choose to collapse or expand one or more modules, the Modules Index Page retains the state of each module.



The Discussion Index page allows you to view all the discussions within a course.

Note: Your instructor may choose to hide the Discussions link in Course Navigation. If the Discussions link is not available, you can still access Discussions through other areas of Canvas.

Open Discussions

Open Discussions

In Course Navigation, click the Discussions link.

View Discussions


Discussions are organized into three main areas.

Discussions:  These are current discussions within the course. Discussions are ordered by most recent activity. You will only see this section heading if there are discussions within this section.  

Pinned Discussions: These are discussions that your instructor wants you to pay specific attention to and will appear at the top of the Discussions page. You will only see this section heading if there are discussions within this section as designated by your instructor.    

Closed for Comments:  These discussions have been manually closed for comments, or the discussion is past the available from/until date. These are discussions that are only available in a read-only state and are ordered by most recent activity. You will always see this section heading, even if there are no discussions within this section.