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Health Promotion and Sciences

This guide directs you to books, ebooks, journals, DVDs and Reference materials on Health Promotion and Health Science. Learn about researching health promotion and science topics in the library and on the web.

Health Promotion & Sciences Databases

Database SearchTo search all our databases at once you can always use our library search.  

You can also search each database individually.  This is sometimes quicker and more accurate because you are searching one collection at a time and only looking through medical or science journals.  Think of it as searching for a sock in a sock drawer instead of rooting through an entire closet.  

This is a list of databases journals specific to the Health Promotion and Sciences. They are listed by size so if you want to begin with the biggest collection, start with Academic Search Complete.  

If you want to know which database contains a specific journal, search our Journals A-Z List.



  • life sciences & biomedical
  • maintained by the United States National Library of Medicine
  • includes access to MEDLINE database of citations & abstracts
  • 27 million citations for biomedical literature 

Academic Search CompleteAcademic Search Complete

  • science
  • 5,890 full-text scholarly journals


Science DirectScience Direct

  • science, technology and health
  • 3,800 full-text journals
  • 35,000 books
  • coverage from 1823
  • titles include: The Lancet, Cell and Tetrahedron

Health Management DatabaseHealth Management Database

  • health
  • 800 full-text journals
  • coverage from 1911

Print Journals

The library also subscribes to many health promotion and science journals in print.  These can be found on Print Journalthe Cellar Level in the Periodicals section:

JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association

Journal of Drug Education

Journal of Urban Health

Nutrition Reviews

Public Health Reports

To see the complete list of Journals, both print and electronic, check our Journals A-Z list.

ILL Articles

If you can't find an article you need in our database or journal collection we can request a copy from another library.  Just fill out the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) form to request an item.